Saturday, March 26, 2011


I yearn to ostracise my heinous thoughts,
Wading in the ocean of contemplation,
Forcing  me  to be the lord of my mind.
 But,Karmic repercussions cajoled me to my former master,
 Lulled by the tempting label which has befuddled many before me,
  Knowingly,I decided to go to his abode built on top of a lofty hill,
Grimaced by thougts of love sowed on my cursed life,
I related it to the test of loyalty by my former savant.
The rain polished former coarsen path,
The sun-lit canopy,
The wind caressed multifarious colours,
Heraled me to a journey down memory lane.
The radio box in the attic of my mind was tuned by these sights to  my village,the rustic and sleepy village of Kalamaserry.
The pure rain drops  trickling down from the cheeks of Varuna,
The melodious and haunting tune of the Western Winds,
The green fields dancing majestically to the mesmerizing tune of nature's pied piper.
The shining crystals on the fresh green leaves seemed to reflect stories of my adventures with nature.
 Ah! These sights made up for the innocent years of my life,
As I stepped into the adolescent shoes with imaginative thoughts of ethereal love,
The days were lit up by the penning down of letters for for my beloveds,
As love did not  make the world go round for me,it definitely made the various rides worthwile
The age of so called maturity was creeping up on  me like an unpreventable disease.
The egging  of my parents to seek a profession made my days diabolical
Yet the unadulterated feasts of love glutted copiously by me were of no reduced content of love and compassion
That taste brings to my mind , my  failure to reciprocate even an ounce of  their insatiable compassion.
The turning point of my eventful life,the arrival of the charming villain who I would serve in my  years to come.
Master as, I addressed him had  dubious and deceptive ways of assailing the vulnerable by assuring the world to them,
Left many followers behind him including me.
My parents and the  village folks were wriiten off as simpletons yet to see the world by me,
Despite their genuine requests to see through the villain in the hood was brushed off by me.
Sadly and downheartedly,they had to see the devil polluting the well of values instilled in me.
I journeyed with the dark one to see to it that his aims are achieved with the promise that mine would be  realized one day.
The one day seemed to be a distant reality as years under him revealed that his wallet and authority grew but not his followers.
The one day that changed the course of my life after joining the master was the day of severing ties with him.
I tried to reedeem myself from the sins committed.
I tried to purge my soul  with acts of peace.
But  darkness seemed to have found the Achilles' feet in my reformed mind.
Cleansing it of what it had accquired since the day of repentance.
The devious one had  beckoned me to serve him again ,
And a gut instinct that darkness seemed to be an invisible bond in the strings of my heart.
The bewailing of the kid sparrow carefully  perched on a  handsome nest  in  a graying branch of the banyan tree sprung me back to the present world.
The moon awoke   from it's day long slumber to the joy of the red hot sun who had been waiting for some time.
Now ,the journey has revealed to be my blasphemy of the boundless care showered upon me by the naive simple yet high- hearted folks of Kalamserry over these years. 
Revelation hit me right on the face, the initial pain turned to boundless love.
The steps that I take now are for you,the tuner of my life and soul.

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