Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I skimmed into the nothingness,
Deranged by disturbing thoughts.
My thoughts were in a tangled maze,
Striving to catch up with the sands of time.
I beg thou almighty to redeem myself from this pain,
Haunted by thy son for ages.
Thou minstrelled my heart's desire,

But words only actions none.
My mind is a fugitive of time,
Held by the tangled roots of societal rules.
Writhing unbearably in the chains of these discombobulating constraints,
Thou Almighty blind;
To your son's distress.
Thou have left my fate for Satan's doing,
For my life has turned meaningless and distraught.
I beg ye to rekindle the burning spirit of enthusiasm,
From the dormant tombs of darkness in my mind.
Riddled and traumitised by thoughts diabolic and fiendish,
Thy loving son's future seems grim.
My thoughts meandering through Satan's aisle,
For the wretched apple that tricked Adam and eve.
Thou chant thy son's blemish,
For undergoing such heinous spell.      
Bedazzled and abstruse thou actions,
Thy loving son's life feasted by Satan's angels.
Despair haunts this feeble mortal,
For the eternal has dethroned haven for evil;
As a jovial life has turned hellish for frail souls like thy loving son.
Illuminate my flesh and soul with thoughts of purity
For my mind is rummaged with thoughts of impurity.
Thou have turned deaf to thy son's moans for help,
As thy son's pain augments by days gone.
Disturbed as thy presence ponders as time surpasses,
For thy son can hear the dreaded footsteps of death closing in..

If thy son's next stage of life beckons,
i beg thou almighty,
For my pain to be washed away with my sins.